Polanka- food branding
Anna Sichelska

  • jar’s with jam
  • series of packages for Polanka
  • Jar
  • Stander for Polanka products
  • promotion t- shirts
  • promotion bags
  • company car
  • Corporate identyfication
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POLANKA is a project of corporate identity, branding and promotion elements of food company. Concept and design is completely oryginal. It’s a combination of traditional coulture, ornament and temperament from Polish mountains connected with modern thypography and youthful design. Funny, provocative sentence and bright colours in promotion elements makes easy to reamember Polanka. Clue style on lebels shows cohesion of branding and stand out each of Polanka products.

jar’s with jam
series of packages for Polanka
Stander for Polanka products
promotion t- shirts
promotion bags
company car
Corporate identyfication

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