Sesons—restaurant corporate identyfication
Anna Sichelska

  • menu for 4 seasons restaurant
  • package for menu
  • sides of menu with patern
  • 4 menus
  • corporate identyfication
  • series of illustrations
  • example page with soup illustration
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Seasons is a project of corporate identity and promotion materials for my author’s restaurant. Idea of season based on 4 seasons in year. Firstly I designed logo – it’s a sybol of ever 4 seasons, later I builded on it ornament which changed in every seasons. Main task in those project is menu builded of 4 small book. Every of those menu is for one season and have own colour code,beside that I designed for every book 5 vector illustrations. They shows elements typical for each seasons and disch which consumer can find in menu.

menu for 4 seasons restaurant
package for menu
sides of menu with patern
4 menus
corporate identyfication
series of illustrations
example page with soup illustration

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