Illustrations Ardens RSS Profil ArdensEinträgeNetzwerk 2Kontakt zurück weiter 10 various illustrations. TSCHIEPTSCHIEP „start of scooterseason 2013“ wip 1# „start of scooterseason 2013“ wip 2# „start of scooterseason 2013“ final # „start of scooterseason 2013“ detail # „start of scooterseason 2013“ Milano City Guide christmas-title 12 quadro 2 christmas-title 12 quadro 1 christmas-title 12 lyon 2 christmas-title 12 lyon 1 christmas-title 12 final client christmascard-9 client christmascard-10 client christmascard-10_DETAIL client christmascard-11 client christmascard-11_DETAIL magazine sketch sophie ellis mascot ice cream parlour digital painting try out chair-manufactory – assembly instruction illustration magazine sketch jamie magazine sketch gorbi CD-cover – sketch scooterclub patch autumnrally Fahrtwind – Logodesign fast furward – Logodesign MTV – sketch for special 90s event liloctoberus – sketch for fashion label print on textile scooterclub patch springrace flyer illustration scooterclub magazine illustration Drachenboot – Logosketch furward – logosketch Teilen Xing Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Pinterest Whatsapp Per E-Mail weitersagen