Art&Science, Kunst&Wissenschaft


Über asn

A. Our ambitions

  • Creating a platform for sharing knowledge, ideas and experience between scientific
and artistic milieus.
  • Challenging and promoting interdisciplinary excellence in art and science.
  • Promoting the synergy between art and science for innovation and creativity.
  • Defining and strengthening the role and place of art in the society of knowledge.
  • Developing an artistic/scientific/research community and network as a source of valuable knowledge, based on individual and interdisciplinary studies, on openness
and cooperation.

To dare
B. Our aims / objectives

  • The sustainability of synergy between Art, Science and Technology.
  • Creating opportunities for the powerful exchange of ideas between theorists and practitioners in art, science and technology.
  • Bringing together people from diverse backgrounds to explore and generate new ideas and alternative perspectives on science and culture.
  • Mobilizing and stimulating the domains of art, science and technology to meet the challenges of the 21st century.

Offering graciously to artists and scientists an international and multidisciplinary platform for self-exhibition of outstanding works.

C. Our activities in the global environment

All activities comply graciously with the stated ambitions and aims.

  • Art & Science events, presentations, lectures, workshops, exhibitions, and symposia
  • Information flow in the area of Art & Science
- Networking
- Mentoring artists and scientists
  • Cooperation with artists and scientists
- Cooperation with universities/academic institutions
  • Cooperation with research institutes
- Cooperation with industry partners
  • Cooperation with institutions and organizations
  • Cooperation with existing venues in Art & Science

To challenge
D. Our expertises

Science & Technology
Innovative Communication strategy
To strive for excellence

E. Our targeted Audiences

  • The Society of Knowledge

F. Our permanent open questions to our Audiences
Nos questions permanentes@ASN Unsere ständigen Fragen@ASN

Where are we standing? Où sommes nous? Wo stehen wir?
Where will we go? Où irons nous? Wohin werden wir gehen?
What can we become? Que pouvons nous devenir? Was können wir werden?

=> All is data


Art&Science, Kunst&Wissenschaft
Anschrift asn
Geisbergstraße 38
D-10777 Berlin
Ansprechpartner C.e.o. Asn
Kontakt Persönliche Nachricht
Ruf +49 30 259 27 259
Funk +49 163 8771 729