Catharina Ballan

  • “… blumengestalten“ /florists vienna
  • www.hi-pe.at /company for informationdesign /vienna
  • draft for conference „business-design-hub 2014“
  • DD4D Conference /paris 2009
  • iiidaward.net /design award by the international institute of information design (IIID) /tapei 2011
  • www.iiidspace.net/greenid /IIID conference vienna
  • www.6rooms.at /appartments de luxe /vienna
  • „gegenwelten“ /womens film festival 2009 vienna
  • coach and cook /vienna
  • zirp.at /product of architect /vienna
  • tapas bar vienna
  • www.hochzeitselfen.at /wedding planner vienna
  • draft for orientation system „kirchengasse“ /vienna
  • regina maderner /life coach
  • draft for the new look of „club titanic“ /vienna
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Logo design for different clients.

“… blumengestalten“ /florists vienna
www.hi-pe.at /company for informationdesign /vienna
draft for conference „business-design-hub 2014“
DD4D Conference /paris 2009
iiidaward.net /design award by the international institute of information design (IIID) /tapei 2011
www.iiidspace.net/greenid /IIID conference vienna
www.6rooms.at /appartments de luxe /vienna
„gegenwelten“ /womens film festival 2009 vienna
coach and cook /vienna
zirp.at /product of architect /vienna
tapas bar vienna
www.hochzeitselfen.at /wedding planner vienna
draft for orientation system „kirchengasse“ /vienna
regina maderner /life coach
draft for the new look of „club titanic“ /vienna

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