Sotchi 2014. ‘Friendship Wins’ with Vokswagen Claudius Gebele
- Title: Friendship Wins
- Production Company: Markenfim Crossing
- Director: Kai Sehr
- DOP: Björn Knechtel
- Edit: Lars Jordan
- Athletes: Ireen Wust (NL), Andrea Eskau (GER), Olga Zaitsewa (RUS), Denis Colle (BEL), Robert Seifert (GER), Bex Sinclair (NZ), Tino Uhlig (GER), Vanessa-Mae (TAN) // Music: Nordmeister
- Specs: 7 films with a length of 2-3 mins, 16:9, all recorded and post-produced during the Olympic and Paralympic Games in Sotchi (RUS)
Sotchi 2014 _ Volkswagen _ Friendship Wins _ Claudius Gebele _ markenfilm crossing