Storytellers in Fashion
Jörg Oestreich

  • charlotta and her magic shoes
  • charlotta and her magic shoes
  • charlotta and her magic shoes
  • charlotta and her magic shoes
  • from outer space 2112
  • from outer space 2112
  • from outer space 2112
  • too much thrill
  • too much thrill
  • too much thrill
  • too much thrill
  • air traffic surveillance
  • air traffic surveillance
  • air traffic surveillance
  • air traffic surveillance
  • true light
  • true light
  • true light
  • true light
  • connecting the elements
  • at night you crawl through my dreams
  • die Schläferin
  • twice I saw the wings
  • die Spaziergängerin
  • dei Spaziergängerin
  • die Spaziergängerin
  • nach dem Mondlicht
  • nach dem Mondlicht
  • nach dem Mondlicht
  • of the stage
  • where is Jack
  • where is clyde
  • ready for crimetime
  • ready for crimetime
  • ready for crimetime
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Photography means to me, letting things out of my head without destitution, giving a moment to others, one they can develop. One’ s own fantasy develops an infinite story out of a split second.”

“Fotografie bedeutet für mich, die Dinge aus dem Kopf zu lassen ohne sich zu entblössen… dem anderen einen Moment zu geben, den er entwickelt; die eigene Fantasie macht aus dem Bruchteil einer Sekunde eine unendliche Geschichte.”

charlotta and her magic shoes
charlotta and her magic shoes
charlotta and her magic shoes
charlotta and her magic shoes
from outer space 2112
from outer space 2112
from outer space 2112
too much thrill
too much thrill
too much thrill
too much thrill
air traffic surveillance
air traffic surveillance
air traffic surveillance
air traffic surveillance
true light
true light
true light
true light
connecting the elements
at night you crawl through my dreams
die Schläferin
twice I saw the wings
die Spaziergängerin
dei Spaziergängerin
die Spaziergängerin
nach dem Mondlicht
nach dem Mondlicht
nach dem Mondlicht
of the stage
where is Jack
where is clyde
ready for crimetime
ready for crimetime
ready for crimetime

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