Ljb Works
We’ll make your brand go pop bang sizzle daaamn badabing rawrrr tschak boom.

Ljb Works

Über Ljb Works

We’re a boutique agency pushing the boundaries between advertising, art and activism. You’ll find us where the fun is — and where product & mission, humans & automation, inclusivity & intersectionality meet. Our homebase is Düsseldorf.

As your favourite one-stop-shop for all things branding, PR and social media, we develop strategies, campaigns and visual concepts. We love data & trust our gut. We’re good with people & trends, graphics & words — and we can code. B2C & B2B. DE & EN.

We believe in sustainability, accessability and working with a badass diverse team. We always play fair – and we expect our clients to do the same. Whether you’re a company or a solopreneur, a cultural institution or an art project, if you’re up for awesome stuff with a dash of pop: We could be cute together!


We’ll make your brand go pop bang sizzle daaamn badabing rawrrr tschak boom.
Anschrift Ljb Works
Lambertusstraße 4
D-40213 Düsseldorf
Ansprechpartner Laura Jil Beyer
Kontakt Persönliche Nachricht
E-Mail laura@laurajilbeyer.de
Web ljb.works
Ruf +491713161313
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14.08.2019 (aktualisiert )