Alfa Romeo Tipo 33 Stradale
Maground GmbH


Alfa Romeo Tipo 33 Stradale for ramp Magazin

  • Alfa Romeo Tipo 33 Stradale for ramp Magazin
  • Alfa Romeo Tipo 33 Stradale for ramp Magazin
  • The first backplate from MAGROUND used for the production of the Alfa Romeo Tipo 33 Stradale for ramp Magazin
  • The second backplate from MAGROUND used for the production of the Alfa Romeo Tipo 33 Stradale for ramp Magazin
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A remarkable CGI production comes with this series featuring the “Alfa Romeo Tipo 33 Stradale” made by 3D- and Postproduction Studio FLAVOR3D along with illustrator Michael Heinz-Fischer and MAGROUND for ramp Magazin. The Car has only been built 18 times and as rare as the prototype from 1967 is so is his sudden appearance on this colorful stage.

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