Lords der Sith (Star Wars)
Matthias Kersten

  • Kylo Ren 2
  • Kylo Ren
  • Darth Malgus(Knights of the old Republic)
  • Darth Vandal (eigene Idee )
  • Darth Destros (eigene Kreation)
  • Darth Krayt (Star Wars -Legacy)
  • Darth Stryfe (Star Wars Legacy)
  • Darth Maladi (Star Wars Legacy)
  • Darth Talon
  • Nightbrother(eigene Kreation)
  • Darth Maul 2(Episode 1,Clone Wars)
  • Darth Maul
  • Darth Plagueis(expandet Universe)
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Bilder von Sith aus verschiedenen Epochen

Kylo Ren 2
Kylo Ren
Darth Malgus(Knights of the old Republic)
Darth Vandal (eigene Idee )
Darth Destros (eigene Kreation)
Darth Krayt (Star Wars -Legacy)
Darth Stryfe (Star Wars Legacy)
Darth Maladi (Star Wars Legacy)
Darth Talon
Nightbrother(eigene Kreation)
Darth Maul 2(Episode 1,Clone Wars)
Darth Maul
Darth Plagueis(expandet Universe)

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