I would work for you Sarah Griesler RSS Profil Sarah GrieslerEinträgeNetzwerk 1Kontakt Creation of a catalog for an existing exhibition of the Ethnological Museum of Lisbon.WaujaCreditsWauja zurück weiter 0 University and freelance work Creation of a catalog for an existing exhibition of the Ethnological Museum of Lisbon. Wauja Credits Wauja Index Wauja Presentation Wauja Spread Wauja Spread Wauja Wedding invitations Mariana&David Wedding invitations detail (UV varnish) Mariana&David Wedding invitations interior Mariana&David Wedding invitations back detail Mariana&David Photoshop work over picture. Original picture from www.gettyimages.com Eyedrop Photoshop work over picture. Original picture from Kinnéidigh Garrett at www.flickr.com Vintage Photoshop work over picture. Original picture ‚Red Dice‘, Punchup and ‚Jessie Pin-up with bubbles‘, Sol Lang at www.flickr.com Dark&Twisted zurück Teilen Xing Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Pinterest Whatsapp Per E-Mail weitersagen dasauge Andere Konten Einloggen mit deinem Konto bei… …oder OpenID: Registrieren Login vergessen? Mein Profil Werkschau Netzwerk Einladen Profillink Suchagenten Mitgliederbereich Ausloggen