Children’s book Vetti Karvounari RSS Profil Vetti KarvounariEinträgeNetzwerkKontakt Kornilios & The Star With Colours zurück weiter 0 Kornilios & The Star With Colours, children’s book design and illustration, a story about child leukemia • Creative Direction, Graphic Design, Illustration, Prepress Kornilios & The Star With Colours Kornilios & The Star With Colours Kornilios & The Star With Colours Kornilios & The Star With Colours Kornilios & The Star With Colours Kornilios & The Star With Colours Kornilios & The Star With Colours Kornilios & The Star With Colours Kornilios & The Star With Colours Kornilios & The Star With Colours Kornilios & The Star With Colours Kornilios & The Star With Colours zurück Teilen Xing Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Pinterest Whatsapp Per E-Mail weitersagen dasauge Andere Konten Einloggen mit deinem Konto bei… …oder OpenID: Registrieren Login vergessen? Mein Profil Werkschau Netzwerk Einladen Profillink Suchagenten Mitgliederbereich Ausloggen