MWV Meadwestvaco Corporation
Producer of High-quality packaging solutions – Hersteller von hochqualitativen Verpackungslösungen für Konsumgüterindustrie

MWV Meadwestvaco Corporation

Über MWV Meadwestvaco Corporation

MWV is a global leader in packaging and packaging solutions for the cosmetics and personal care, healthcare and pharmaceuticals, food and beverage, home and garden and media industries. We work with the world’s most admired brands to design and manufacture solutions that meet their needs globally, no matter how challenging the requirements. Our global leadership, deep market insight and spirit of innovation and collaboration make us the packaging solutions provider of choice.

$7 billion in revenue
24.000+ employees worldwide
4.000+ granted patents worldwide
150+ different product lines
95 different international operations


Producer of High-quality packaging solutions – Hersteller von hochqualitativen Verpackungslösungen für Konsumgüterindustrie
Anschrift MWV Meadwestvaco Corporation
Grillweg 15
A-8053 Graz
Ansprechpartner Cezary A Wasiak
Kontakt Persönliche Nachricht
Ruf +43 316 2500
31.08.2007 (aktualisiert )