«Starting and Leading your own Creative Business» Workshop…

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Berlin Summer University of the Arts

Berlin Summer University of the Arts


Die Berlin Summer University of the Arts bietet auch diesen Sommer wieder künstlerische Weiterbildungsseminare und Workshops zu zahlreichen Themen an der Universität der Künste Berlin an.

4. – 8. August „Starting and Leading your own Creative Business“

date: August 4th-8th 2013

place: UdK Berlin, Bundesallee 1-12

fee: 495 €

No. of participants: 12 to 15

language: English

application deadline: July 17th

Working with the “Creative Enterprise Toolkit” by the British innovation body NESTA and learning from the Cultural Leadership Programme this practical course will enable participants to develop entrepreneurial and creative leadership skills through lectures, group discussions, international case studies, exercises and individual work as well as experiential group activities and informal peer support.
How can you make a living from your creativity? And how do you go about setting up a creative business and making your business work? How do you lead your creative business successfully.
Based on tried and tested methods from the “Creative Enterprise Toolkit” by the British innovation bodies NESTA and learning from the Cultural Leadership Programme this compact entrepreneurship training will help you turn your creative ideas into a successful business.

Link: www.udk-berlin.de/sites/sommerkurse/…/index_ger.html
Video: vimeo.com/96905269

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