NYC Creative living in Düsseldorf.

1 Beitrag:
Kenneth Shinabery

Shinabery, Kenneth


I am a creative from New York City that has been living in Düsseldorf for almost three years.

During this time I have accomplished quite a bit in Germany and I plan on continuing to do more!

  • In 2013, I founded the Behance NRW Group… which now has over 900 members on Facebook. We have had over 7 events and we are quickly expanding.
  • April 2014 – Speaker/Adobe Influncer at the Adobe Create Now Event in Berlin.
  • July 2014 – Organizer/Moderator at the Adobe Create Now Event in Düsseldorf.
  • Summer 2014 – Began writing articles for the Wacom InfoChannel and curating the Wacom Gallery on Behance.
  • November 2014 – Speaker at the Behance Event in Pescara, Italy.

Feel free to connect with me on Dasauge, Behance, LinkedIn, Xing or Facebook. I enjoy meeting other creatives. Also look up the Behance NRW Facebook Group!

Best Regards,

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