‹we ARE Europe› fotoproject

1 Beitrag:




In our next issue of the Electronic Beats Magazine we’re talking about Europe:
european identites, national particularities, people switching between european countries, the feeling of growing together (or not?) etc.

We will also publish a photography essay on the topic, featuring young photographers from all over Europe to show us their Vision OF Europe.

We’d like you to join: If you have a picture that reflects your idea of Europe in any possible way, please send it to us (digital & high res). The deadline for submissions is 31 January 2008.

The electronic beats magazine is published by T-Mobile, distributed in bars, hotels, clubs, stores, restaurants etc. in 8 european countries, the circulation is 50,000.

We’re looking forward to your contribution!


  • L isaSchibel

Art Director

  • The Electronic Beats Magazine

Schröder Strasse 11
10115 Berlin, Germany

  • t +49 (0) 30 278742617

m +49 (0) 171 6597076

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