Can anyone help a New Zealander in Landau. ?

2 Beiträge:
Jim Morrison

Morrison, Jim


Hi everyone.
Please excuse my english, but I don’t know any German yet.
I have recently moved to Landau from Vancouver, CA to be with my girlfriend. But I actually come from Nelson, New Zealand.
I’m a Graphic/Web Designer, but here in Germany. I’m pretty much nothing until I learn German.
If anyone is close to Landau and would be interested to meet me for a beer and have a talk, I would be really appreciative. I would be willing to give my time for free to any good creative projects that anyone would like help with.
For some background on me, please see my website
or just email me any questions etc.
Many thanks for your time.

Acklam - Multimediaentwickler - TOP ausgezeichnet Freiberuflicher


i Jim.
cant help you with your job search. but just wanted to say hi, as i am also a native english speaker.
all the best in your efforts to find a suitable job.

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