Marissa Markwart


Über Marissa Markwart

I am from German background and moved to the UK 2001 starting off as an Au-Pair. I soon proceeded with my career in Interior Design and eventually finished off with a degree in BSc Hons Interior Architectural Design in 2007. I have since been working in different fields which include Customer Service, Admin, AutoCAD,ArchiCAD, Water and Building Services, and eventually a one year experience as Corporate Interior Designer/ Imaging Solutions Officer, which formed the highlight of my career thus far; as I managed to gain results, which are rare to be achieved single-handed within only a year’s time and no prior related experience with exception of my studies! Not only have I re-designed the building for the company I worked for, but also did I manage to design a new corporate image and designed a new Logo and colour scheme for the business, which are being used and mirrored in the entire corporate image of the corporation ever since. Today I am looking for new challenges. The world is my oyster!


Anschrift Marissa Markwart
2 The Esplanade, The Hoe
Plymouth PL1 2PJ
Ansprechpartner Marissa Markwart
Kontakt Persönliche Nachricht
Ruf 0044 (0)7703502945