Miguel Mateos
Graphic Designer


Über Miguel Mateos

This is Miguel Mateos, I’m a twenty one year’s spanish student. I’m looking for a job related with something I like. I currently have a degree on Business called ‘’ Internacionalizacion, Marketing, Innovación y Posicionamiento en Redes Sociales del sector del comercio’’ done in la Academia Técnica Universitaria in Salamanca with more than 90 hours worked in the John Deerecompany. I’m about to finish my Design studies in the Arts School (Escuela de Artes y Oficios de Salamanca) on September 2013 in order to get a degree of Technical in Plastic Arts and Graphic Design. I perfectly manage programs of Adobe pack such asIllustrator, Photoshop, InDesign, Premiere, Dreamweaver. I have a good English level, I have been living in Worthing for a month with an international Language school called EF while living with an English family for this same period of time.


Graphic Designer
Anschrift Miguel Mateos
Avnd. Villamayor 16 4ºD
E-37007 Salamanca
Ansprechpartner Miguel Mateos
Kontakt Persönliche Nachricht
Ruf 684227276