Thomas Bergmann
Director of Photography

Thomas Bergmann

Über Thomas Bergmann

German born Tom Bergmann is a Director of Photography for documentaries. His recent work includes: ‚Life, Animated‘, directed by Academy-Award winner Roger Ross Williams and ‚The Punch‘ by German director André Hörmann. Ongoing projects also include the feature length documentary ‚Promised Land‘ directed by Eugene Jarecki as well as ‚Abacus: Too Small to Jail‘ directed by Steve James.

Tom studied cinematography at the University for Film and Television ‚Konrad Wolf‘ in Potsdam-Babelsberg/ Germany before he spent a postgraduate year in New York City to study Art History at the Graduate Center of CUNY.

Since 2004 Tom is a freelance Director of Photography. His visual approach could be called poetic realism – capturing verité moments by embracing the atmospheric tune of each situation. A deep trust between protagonist and observer will allow for strong filmic moments that are presenting deeper insights in people, situations and human condition. Away from the loud and the blatant Tom aims to the little signs of transformation that will only come to awareness by a sustained study of characters over a substantial period of time.

Besides his work as a Cinematographer, Tom exhibits his documentarian still-photography in various exhibitions. In recent years Tom worked on documentaries in India, China, Vietnam, Nepal, Uzbekistan, Russia, Mexico and Cuba.


Director of Photography
Anschrift Thomas Bergmann

D-10407 Berlin
Ansprechpartner Thomas Bergmann
Kontakt Persönliche Nachricht
Ruf 030/21972789
Fax 0 32 22 - 11 80 118
19.03.2007 (aktualisiert )