Iris Luckhaus
- Werbung
- 37 km
Freie Illustratorin, Grafikerin und Designerin
Freie Illustratorin, Grafikerin und Designerin
Grafik-Design / Visuelle Kommunikation / Corporate Dsign / 3D-Illustration / 3D-Visualisierung
3D-Illustrationen, 3D-Grafiken, 3D-Visualisierung, Produktvisualisierung, 3D-Infografik
Lead Creative that moved from New York City to Germany.
3D-Rendering und Motiondesigner (C4D, Octane, Redshift, After-Effects)
Photography, People, Still Life, Alternative Process, Photography Tutor, Curator
WebGL 3D Konfiguratoren, Visualisierungen, AR / VR Anwendungen
Fotografen für Rock & Blues Konzerte besondere Event & Shooting’s Lost Places
Illustration,Werbeillustration, Storyboard, Layout, Animatic,Buchillustration,Charakter Design, Vectorgrafik, Akrylmalerei, Ölmalerei
Motion Graphics Animation Grafik-Design
3D Artist / Freelancer / Art Director / Kreativ Generalist
Senior Art Director I Brand Design, Logo Design, Editorial Design, Webdesign