Sarah Marie Lau


Über Sarah Marie Lau

Hi, I’m Sarah Marie Lau, I create beautiful and easy to use interactive design concepts for creative agencies and entrepreneurs.
What does that mean?
I can:
Make your website persuasive. I know what makes a visitor stick around, from clear navigation, to an easy-on-the-eyes layout to a “no guesswork needed” environment.
Create “big picture” branding concepts that help your business stand out. Ever notice how everyone in an industry starts to look the same? Not you. This is a clone-free zone. I want your site to be so original, people ooh and ah and share it all over the internet.
Conceptualize and design winning pitch concepts and presentations. Are you in the running for a career-making gig from a huge client? You’re not going to wow them with the same tired slides, video, or pdf everyone else presents. I’ll help you create materials that give you wow factor and blow your competitors out of the water.
Design a book full of yummy recipes….Or whatever it is you’ve wanted to create forever, but haven’t done because you get stuck every time you think, “How will I make it look nice and professional?” Consider yourself unstuck.

  • I believe in design quality and a close collaboration with my clients. (Click here to see my process.)
  • I discuss ideas and develope the perfect solution for you, not for my portfolio.
  • You want someone with experience, not a newbie who just took her first design course or someone who’s locked into tunnel-vision, “inside the box” thinking.
  • I’ve worked with some of Europe’s most innovative, experimental branding and interactive marketing and design agencies. I think outside what everyone else is doing, and come up with concepts you won’t see coming and going.


Anschrift Sarah Marie Lau
D-81373 München
Ansprechpartner Sarah Marie Lau
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Ruf 017672234174