Maxi de Witt – High End Retoucher / Bildbearbeiter

Sehr sehr geile Bild-Retusche statt Look-Einheitsbrei! High-End Retouching aus Hamburg.
de Witt – High End Retoucher / Bildbearbeiter, Maxi
Sehr sehr geile Bild-Retusche statt Look-Einheitsbrei! High-End Retouching aus Hamburg.
We’re passionate about connecting people with great local businesses. At Yelp, we’re bringing together world-class talent from different experiences, disciplines and areas of study to produce a world-class product.
Kreative Bildbearbeiterin / Post Production Artist
progressive multimedia design high-end flash
Still Life, Food, Cars, Architecture, Interieur and High End 360 Grad Panoramen
High-End-Digitalagentur in Hamburg
Postproduction Retusche Composing High-End Retusche
360° VR-Touren, CGI, High-End Visualisierungen, 3D-Animation/Video